Thursday 7 April 2011


To Evaluate My Mix ...

Overall I am quite happy with the general 'sound' and 'style' of my mix. I think I have captured the 'feel' of a Pendulum style track.

The production techniques I read about have been implemented into my final mix, which resulted in lots of layers being used for the drums, then heavily compressed. This has created a big drum sound that drives the track forward. I altered the compressor settings to allow the initial snap of the kick and snare to come through, before the rest of the drum signal was compressed. This helped really bring out the force of the drums in the mix.

I used a similar structure to writing the riff and bass elements of the track as 'Watercolour' by Pendulum. This resulted in the track being quite radio friendly and more commercial Drum & Bass which was intended.

When picking my source material, I decided to choose the Euler track 'Be Free' due to the fact the vocals where quite a similar style to that used in Watercolour. This choice worked well as the vocals sit nicely in the mix, along with some added guitars from the original material to really give the track some extra elements in the final breakdown.

I sent a preview of my mix to a fellow student and his reply was;

"Oh, have you been listening to Pendulum lately...?"

This sums up pretty well the general idea of my track and I think I have achieved a respectable remix in the style of 'Pendulum'.

Below is a link to the 24bit, 48kHz .WAV file

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